
Teaching is a skill, but skills can always be taken to the next level with further training and development. As much as it’s vital for teachers to grow and nurture their students, the growth of the teacher is just as important. Developing overall skills and building confidence through improved work quality is beneficial to both teachers and their students. Professional development equips teachers with the tools and knowledge to overcome obstacles they may have to face in the classroom.

Making professional development a priority is necessary to support teachers and the ever-changing education system, especially as new methods and techniques are regularly updated and changed. When teachers invest time in learning and training programs, teachers, students, and school reap the benefits. Let’s dive into a few reasons why professional development benefits teachers, students, and the school.

Success of students

Professional development for teachers help re-energize students in the classroom – helping them to gain new perspective and skills, which can translate into how they learn and absorb new information later in life.

Increase Retention

With a particularly high turnover rate of teachers within the public school system, offering professional development for teachers shows them that you support their career progression and are keen to investing in their personal and professional development long term.

Further Subject Knowledge

Education and the school system looks nothing like it used to ten years ago. Technology has advanced rapidly, forcing us to learn and evolve in order to keep up. Professional development enables teachers to learn new skills, expand their knowledge base, and become more tech savvy like their tech-gen students.

Although professional development may sound vague, the strategies come in all different shapes, sizes and methods such as:

  • Brainstorming with colleagues to discuss issues and work on solutions
  • Teacher conferences/ educator conferences or seminars
  • Personal development workshops
  • Teaching retreats

Here at Teach Your Heart Out, we believe that professional development is all about becoming the best-equipped teacher you can be, which is why we are excited to host onsite training and events and conferences for teachers and educators throughout the year.

Our jam-packed two-day event will share new and innovative teaching strategies, cutting-edge and research-based techniques, as well as ways to reignite your passion for teaching. Whether you are taking the steps yourself to improve and develop as a teacher or you are a school administrator, our conference welcomes everyone from the comfort of your own home.

Professional development should be an important part of career development, so challenge yourself to grow and evolve. Register to attend one of our TYHO events to see which Conference is right for you.

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